IV Division

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Six IV Infusion Therapies in Miami Beach

The nightlife scene in Miami and Miami Beach is known around the world. However, the heat in Florida and the impact of alcohol on your body will begin to take its toll. That’s where we come in. IVDIV is a boutique medical practice, founded by Dr. Jarred Mait, MD to offer rehydration and vitamin infusion services to locals and visitors.

We are the premier medically-administered IV service in South Florida. In this blog section, we are going to share the latest news and trends about IV therapies, IV hangover treatments, IV vitamin infusions and much more. Also, you will learn about the ingredients of our IV infusions that suits your requirements.

“IV Division believes that quality is everything. That’s why we use highly-skilled doctors and nurses to administer all IV Infusions.” - Dr. Jarred Mait, Founder of IVDIV.

What We Offer

Currently, we offer six IV infusions to help your body and restore hydration. Our six IV infusions include…

1. Recovery IV Infusion

This infusion is perfect for those suffering from gastrointestinal illness and dehydration. Benefits include rehydration and relief of nausea due to viral illnesses and food poisoning. Price of this infusion is $250. (includes house-call fee)

Ingredients: IV Fluid 1L, Zofran (nausea), Famotidine (heartburn)

2. Wellness IV Infusion

This infusion uses high-dose vitamins to stimulate the immune system to fight viral illnesses and provide the body with a powerful blend of high-dose antioxidants. The price of Wellness IV Infusion is $325. (includes house-call fee)

Ingredients: IV Fluid 1L, B12, B Complex, Trace Elements, Vitamin C, and Glutathione

3. Hangover IV Infusion

This powerful infusion cures nausea, headaches, and dehydration associated with a serious hangover. The price of Hangover IV Cure is $250. (includes house-call fee)

Ingredients: IV Fluid 1L, Zofran (nausea), Famotidine (heartburn), Toradol (headache)

4. Post Workout IV Infusion

This infusion assists the body in rehydrating and promoting muscle recovery. The price of Post workout IV Infusion is $250. (includes house-call fee)

Ingredients: IV Fluid 1L, B12, B Complex, Glutathione, Taurine

5. Weight Loss IV Infusion

This infusion combines vitamins and amino acids to speed up metabolism, increase fat burning, and assist with weight loss. The price of weight loss IV infusion is $225. (includes house-call fee)

Ingredients: IV Fluid 1L, add-ons available upon request. Our available add-ons are Glutathione, Vitamin C, B Complex, Vitamin B12, Zofran, Magnesium, Trace Elements, Pepcid, Toradol, and Reglan.

6. Skin Hydration IV Infusion

This infusion helps to restore natural skin glow with a unique blend of IV fluids, vitamins, and minerals. The price of skin hydration IV infusion is $250. (includes house-call fee)

Ingredients: IV Fluid 1L, B12, and B Complex

Some Feedback from Our Customers

“When it comes to my health, Dr. Mait is the one I trust. I have been using his IVs for years and his team is the best!” - Natalie (Nutritionist in Miami)

“I want to know that I’m getting the top quality infusion delivered by the most qualified person. That's why I love IV DIVISION. They’re a level above.” - Brandon (Male Model in Miami Beach)

“When I had food poisoning, I called IV DIVISION. They arrived within 30 minutes and everything was top notch. I am a customer for life.” - Caley (Yoga Teacher in South Beach, Miami)

Bottom Line

That’s all for now! If you want to get notified of our blog regularly, please sign up now. Also, you will get 10% OFF your first IV infusion by signing up. Thanks!